Riverside Dental Practice


Top Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Most of us are familiar with basic dental care – brush twice a day, have regular checkups at the dentist and don’t consume too much high sugar food or drink. We hear a lot about what’s bad for our teeth, but what about those foods that can actually improve the health of your teeth and gums? While not a substitute for general oral health care, consuming some of the foods below can help keep your mouth in good condition, so read on to see how your diet can help take care of your teeth.


Garlic not only adds flavour to plenty of dishes, it’s also packed full of antibacterial properties that are good for your teeth and gums. It contains a key component called allicin, which helps control the bad bacteria that can lead to cavities or gum disease. Garlic was even used in the past to treat tooth infections and ease pain, although we’d recommend you see a dentist first!

Leafy greens

From an early age we’re told to eat our greens, but leafy varieties such as spinach or kale are also great for oral health. Believe it or not, these vegetables are also high in calcium which helps strengthen tooth enamel, and they contain the B vitamin folic acid which can help treat gum disease.


Cheese is packed with calcium and protein which makes it great for strengthening bones and tooth enamel. It’s also been found that eating hard cheese such as cheddar or manchego increases the amount of saliva produced in the mouth, raising the pH level and lowering the risk of tooth decay.


Fruit is higher in sugar than some of the other foods mentioned on this list, but the crunchy texture of apple is very effective at dislodging food particles and bacteria. While not a substitute for brushing your teeth, eating an apple after a meal can help clean your mouth and produce more saliva to stimulate the gums.


Another calcium and protein rich food, almonds are also low in sugar, and the practice of chewing them produces saliva to partially clean teeth. These nuts also contain vitamin D and high levels of unsaturated fats which can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.


This small red fruit contains polyphenols, which may prevent plaque from sticking to teeth; lowering the chance of developing cavities. Make sure you get fresh cranberries if you can though, as many cranberry juice drinks contain a lot of added sugar.

If you’re looking for professional dental care in the Stirling area, visit Riverside Dental Practice. Our services are available to both NHS and private patients, and we have over 40 years experience providing expert dental services to the community. Whether you need a check up, orthodontics, fillings or cosmetic dentistry, give us a call of visit our website today

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